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Why bird flu in quotes?

Why bird flu in quotes?
Because it’s not a thing when it comes to eggs
If you watched the news, you would know an infected bird, infected the eggs
lol you said watched the news 🤡
News channel 2 or read the newspaper
Ya because they yell the truth
Do some real research
Yeah you’re woke news? Lol
Again maybe research woke cnn watcher
I don’t do Republican tv
But still understand woke?
No! I’m from Africa. We teach ourselves and walk miles for survival. What is Ozempic lol
Who cares?
My 🩸line 🙏🏾🙌🏾
Ok Google ozempic
I’m fit. No, thank you
You’re fit? Then why ask?
I answered your question and the Ozempic reference was a joke. In my country we don’t live on drugs for survival
Cooked eggs can’t have bird flu