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Too early for me to drink alcohol but I'll take it ,🤤🤪it's weekend tho

Too early for me to drink alcohol but I'll take it ,🤤🤪it's weekend tho
I could have a glass too, would you please put me one too? 😂
Yes of course I’ll pour you one
Thanks ☺️
Are you good boy? 👀
I am quite a good boy
Okay good to know 👀
I’m glad you do 👀
I might have something for you 👀
Now I’m very curious 👀👀
Do you want to come clean my apartment? 😂🫵🏻
Do I get a maid costume?
Maybe 😂
Cleaning is actually really relaxing and therapeutic for me
So you could come and clean the apartment? 🤭
I would. Do I get fed after?
Of course you can 🫶🏻
Then I’m down!