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Amèrica del Nord/

🌲Boston/ New England🌲🇺🇸

What’s everyone doing today?
Any older men?
I’m only 46 going on 47
I’m 56
Morning all. I have survived My vactation.
Great news
I didn’t survive my joint last night 🥹
Also great news
Yes. Because throwing up warm, foamy ice cream is great news.
Well you didn’t say you threw up warm foamy ice cream. That’s pretty gross
Your lungs are not fans of smoking I bet as well
Idk you’d have to ask them
Hey anyone want to chat with a 48 year old female
I rarely smoke lol
My dumbass literally inhaled the smoke and swallowed it. Why? I don’t know. 🙃
Haha happens sometimes. Always feels a little weird when you do it too
This room disappeared on me
We would never
Or did you disappear on the room?
Y’all banned me 💀
Who did
Someone did
Can’t you check when it happens
I didn’t know I was banned to begin with until I got back on here
Well I would never
Most likely it is anti. This app has been so effing buggy for months now
I’m banned in the Boston chat again and I haven’t said a word in there in over a month 💀
I thought this was the Boston chat 😅
No no. Just the Boston one.
Yeah idk I’m only here
Obviously they’re cooler though if they ban for no reason
There’s a mod in there that doesn’t like me for whatever reason so she just bans me if she sees my name in the list
Prob just jelly she should dm me
I just had to call 911 🤦🏼‍♀️
Cause I work there she was trying to call me
One kid just ran 💀 my neighbor is chasing him
Kids these days
But I do agree with that there is a mod in that Boston room who bans for no reason. It’s a power trip. I don’t even go back nor do I care. Let those people be. Karma will catch up with them.
There is a mod in the other Boston room you can have.
It’s a lady mod who’s banning at will? You don’t say
Hello, i am living in boston
Hi y’all!
47M Portland hear
How’s everyone doing tonight?
Here *