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>>> Sending pics of a pron star Ohhh
lmao I’m not a porn star 🤣🤣
Just because I’m attractive lol
How do you want me to alterenhance the pic Mykaela?
something funny
Was that her
no lol
It's a big btw
not a but but thanks
Bot omfg
Any mallus
>>>📷 Is she a bot?
I hope not
I don’t feel like a bot
>>> I don’t feel like a bot Send proof
no thank u dumbass
Def a bot
That's a famous pron star
Hey let's not have any drama in here ok?
I like her butt🤷
Must be a pleasure to...
vera dijkmans the name.
Bro is advanced
Man, we need you for crimes haha
Alright let's get back to the pix lol
Are these AI?
Yes. All mine are Ai I make
>>> Bro is advanced 😎
Oks is way better than me