Hey, what are you doing in my hometown?
I am at Ventimiglia in Italy
Dracula castle is in bran village
You can find touristic buses that take you there
Is an agency near hotel aro palace
They take tourists to the castle of dracula
I already visited the castle 🏰 🤭
That's the castle of dracula from the book of vampires
Thing is that vlad dracul didn't lived in that castle
He lived in poenari castle
That's why I should be there to take you
He was born in Sighișoara
You should visit that city too. Is very beautiful. But on evening you don't have anywhere to go..they close all bars and restaurants. They don't have a night life
Even brasov is kinda dead since incident from 2015
When a club from Bucharest caught fire and died 65 guys
Since then is prohibited to smoke inside bars and many places lost their clients, that lead to price increasing on drinks and many people preffer to drink home now
And they put standards for how many people are allowed into that space, they have emergemcy plan and exits marked
Yes, but I am telling you why there is no night life. Before you could go to the clubs, bars, karaoke
And places where crowded with youngsters. Now is lame