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Entreteniment i estil de vida/

CCarousel ♾️ greetings🥵Live

Hotel 🏨🇪🇦
Carly looks so cute!!
That's siper right
I am trying my luck at this company
Carly✨, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Naked in your story.
New version is for oldies?
Looks so big 😆
lol how to get the new version?
It’s forced me to get new one 😆
I was trying to send msgs here but it was leading me to download new version
>>> It’s forced me to get new one 😆 I would also like the new one haha but I'm using android😂
Liv 🥰😘 Carly 🥰
I am back in business 😌
I found job
And I started
Carli's flag
is the owner a Filipino?
You are the owner
Al Capone 👋
No, I am going with a philipino guy to the truck. To resque a driver who got caught drunk and lost his licence. I am taking his truck
Mr. UnPeuCurieux 👋🏻
Say to the Pinoy guy Mahal Kita Pare
Pare means bro haha
Mahal Kita means I love you
I know
Mahal din kita
Mas mahal kita