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I wale up at 430 for work
I wake up at 5pm
F that
Must be nice
It's terrible
Do you still work at the factory?
Can't do anything during the day
Me rem?
I invite you to a chatroom 'Black & White Bulls': https:chat.antiland.com94QA9KdO4P
White bulls
Yes rem
white niggas
Why is it sad?
Seems like an okay job.
Slave labor
It is i barely work
Basically just get paid to stand
Hey all
Oh he a house nagger
Sign me up bro.
Sign me down
Rem take asl
American sign language?
Age sex location
Okay. Why not.
I’m slobbing , almost there 💤
Then you can be on TV interpreting
What’s up
Have a good night Eyana🤘🏼
Jiggling them big ol boobies
I can do that now.
Hasn’t there been several times a sign language interpreter is at an event and it turns out they’re signing nonsense?
You could pull it off without taking it tbh
Yes. That is what I was referencing.
But I do know a little ASL.
Hey cherry 🤘🏼 getting off?
Teach me spicy Hotdog
Everyone should know a little. I’ve been shirking
I know how to say jesus, asl, poop, your mom, shut up, crazy, i love you, and my name.
The essentials
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