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Happy to see you too
How is everything going?
Nothing unbearable
That is good. Or at least not catastrophic
Well, being a positive person I'll say it's okay
How have you been... buried in work???
Well if you ever need to vent we have your back here.
And yes! Even if that means i get free wine work is definitely rather overbearing
I know 🤣
Take it easy there
Or I'll come steal you for some relaxing time
Steal away!
I will bring wine
Hop on, but I don't drink
I gotta sleep tho, take care
Lol, sleep well!
And i can also cook
I can cook 🍳 😋
You'd want to be able to cook🤣🤣 might be difficult at work otherwise
Note Jarg cooks for a living… 🤔🤓🤣
Reba!!! 🤗🎉
How are you ma’am?
I'm good thanks ☺️ missed you and steak and tyne, thought you might all be iOS victims
My phone corrects it to thyme
I was for a minute
Who's cooking what
I had burgers
Home made of course
Beef and chicken breast
That looks so good but please I don't want the raw onion or tomato
My boys don't either
I love onions a lot but never raw
How are they doing anyway, I haven't asked in a while
They're good but driving me crazy as kids are want to do
They are doing their job 🤣
See me dozing off now and one just shouted Nooooo, only for me jolt out of slumber because of his game
See the look I gave him 🙄 and I hissed
Throw eggs at him