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Amèrica del Nord/


That’s awesome that it is that close.
Life is OK, stressful, but that’s normal
Currently working for another hour and a half, and then I’m going to go home and relax
Sounds good!
Nice to talk and have some company. Thank you!
I need to gather new strength
Of course! I love chatting and making new friends. You’re welcome!!
I can imagine
Me 2 😄
That's why I'm here
Sometimes people in the rooms only talk to people they already know. 😆
Yeah I’ve seen that
I enjoy chatting with new people and getting to know them.
I would also like to hear more about your interests. What you do for fun. Things like that.
I hope I didn't break any rules now. I like stupid memes and badgood jokes. It's more fun to laugh
Agreed!!! Laughter can fix a lot of things!!!
That was a soft start, I found a worse one but I don't want to be kicked out in the cold 🤣
There's so much crazy out there in the world so it's important to have a sense of humor
I love fishing, camping, anything outdoors really! Bowling is fun even though I’m not the greatest at it. I enjoy nights in watching movies. Cleaning up and going out is fun also.
lol I don’t think you have to worry about that in here
Awesome let’s be friends!
Agreed!!! 1000%
I’d love to!
I like exercise and going to concerts too
I am outgoing and I also like to go out for dinner sometimes
I have a PF membership that I haven’t used in a year 😂😂
Also haven’t been to a concert in 6 years
What’s the last concert you went to?
Front 242 epic! 🤩
I understand. I had started training again last fall and then I got sick so now I have to start training.. again. love it though!
I run my rear end off at work all week long so I guess my mind set lately has been, “I’m just too wiped out “lol
You can PM me if you would like
I get it 🤗🤣
Aweh so fun!
Hey hey
Hey hey
Iowa here
I’m in Iowa. M here