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Xats per a Majors de 30 anys i més/

DDown with the Thickness

Maybe French toast
Well I’m not a mind reader. Sooooo
That’s breakfast
It’s a better breakfast choice than nun
I guess so.
I don’t eat nuns, sorry
New photo
🆕 moo 🐮
Okay then I’ll just make the chicken and waffles. Andddddd da 🍓 🧈
Strawberry butter?
Never had it
It’s good
Bye moo I’ll miss you!
Damn got dead in here without me 🫣
I’m making breakfast
But not for me
I didn’t say that you did
My name is Jed
Hi all
Tf Jed
Why are you doing your job
Awe the horse went to prison
Hey all
Oh….. because? Haha
Hey everyone
Do it
Hi everyone
Did agent get banned? 😂😂😂
Or did he just do the star thing
New photo
Lol 😝
Hey hey
What is happening in here
It’s pure chaos