In Chicago, downtown hotel, looking for a busty Latina or asian(preferred). I’m in town for the week for any females interested In an Italian bull.
I need that busty female to fix lol
>>> How about six
A dog would say that...
>>> Some of yall are wild
>>> Yup
You go get your eight titied bich dog. ✊
Dm if you’re in Illinois
Absolute weirddddddooooooooo
In Chicago, downtown hotel, looking for a busty Latina or asian(preferred). I’m in town for the week for any females interested In an Italian bull.
Still in bed and I don’t want to get up.
I’m in bed still but bc I’m waiting for someone to come ride me first lol
In Chicago, downtown hotel, looking for a busty Latina or asian(preferred). I’m in town for the week for any females interested In an Italian bull.
Ughhh where the busty females at?