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Thank goodness ess
Even though I’ll blink and it will be Monday again
Well I hope you have a good weekend before you blink
I hope so too. I have a Costco run in my future
Is that good or bad?
always bad on a weekend
Quiet room
Costco is always fun
It’s been very quiet in here lately
Yeah exceptionally quiet it seems across anti. Maybe the glitches are getting to be too much
Did you make it to Costco?
I did
Almost $700 later
Oh good god 😩
$500 is usually my trip there
Groceries, dog treats, toiletries
The extra was snacks and treats for the birthday party
When was the party? Or is it coming up?
It’s this Sunday coming up
Fun and stressful! Is there a theme?
Roblox lol
Aw. Well at least there’s a ton of that type of decor out there
Yes indeed there is
Anti is dying I think.
We all are lol
Hello turtle
Hello Solar!
How are you?
Tired but good! You?
I’m great! Shopping for plant pots…in my happy place
Came for cheap clear pots. Left with 7 new not cheap cover pots. 😬
But I have a vision. And you know what they say about a woman with a vision… 💸
Well I hope you get to achieve it!!
Aw, thanks
Hi hi