campuri kacang ijo ukur ukur
Kei roti, mutioro, ager³, ketan putih
Ga buat skrng tpi g ada Santa 🎅🏻 nya
tuku se santen kemasan iku
samean nek karo bpk e boso ora ..
pdhal arep tak blesi dewe
nek aneh kn wes ket biyen
mau berdamai sama diri sendiri
ꉓuꈤɠkr!ꈤɠ, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Tough in your story.
Labuseh bari ngeh ini room seok
>>> bonus+ A daily bonus of random ₭36 karma ...