This will be my first country I’ve ever gone to so I want to experience as much as I can where I’m going
Yeah I'm unsure. There's so many businesses in Ontario that only exist in Ontario, or small amounts around
Oh, you need to experience Canadian bagged milk. Not necessary but yeah we sell milk in plastic bags 😂
We do here! Well did. There’s a very popular Midwest us gas station chain named kwik trip
They sold bagged milk but stopped sadly because it wasn’t as popular. We used to love getting it in bags
We’re goin to be visiting Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. I know it’s not super big but bigger than the US side that I know pretty well
I’ve technically been in Canada but not enough to count. The soo locks boat tours takes you through the Canadian locks first.
We got a lot of natural parks and wildlife. The big cities are what you expect, but there's more rural areas
I’ll eventually visit the big cities. But honestly I’m a rural girl at heart. I grew up along the Great Lakes so that part of Ontario is perfect for my first time there
I also want to go rock hunting so I don’t want the big city for that lol
Might go up by Lake Superior Saturday weather permitting
It's getting nice around here. It was 5 degrees today
And gonna be poss getting storms tomorrow night. Southeast Wisconsin, Illinois and I think Missouri is gonna get it worst
Yep. Tomorrow I’ll be watching storm chasers on YT. I follow a few and have seen like tornados form live. It’s crazy
I like watching footage of tornadoes because they're not possible on my side of Canada
Right. If it’s far from my area I get facinated. But they scare the f out of me. One hit my home county as a kid. Almost took out my great aunts house. I was also stuck on a city bus a mile from a low grade one. The wind was rocking that bus so hard it bent the outside mirror. And rocking super hard. I’m good lol
Idk if you get net. Flix there but there’s gonna be a documentary on the Joplin Missouri f-5 really bad twister coming soon.
Alot of Canadians are boycotting that too because it's American lol
There is still 1 blockbuster left in existence! It’s in Bend Oregon lol
My area wasn’t good enough for that so we had family video lol
You can order merch from them 🤣
Ik a lot of family videos
When they closed down we actually bought a printer and some movies from them 🤣🤣
Still very nice working black and white printer
In one of our liquor stores that we taken us products away 🤣
No more Jack Daniels in Canada lol
Heck i wanna bring back Canadian booze back when we go
Sucks to be Jack Daniel’s 🤣🤣
Ffs I didn't know Captain Morgan rum was American...