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😏Married & Flirting

Me too
Lmao 🤣
I’ll go now before I say some reckless stuff
Sorry AL
Hey JJ & Billy 😅
Hi B. 😅
Butterfly B 😘
This is too funny not to share
I don’t understand this weather lol
Damn JJ 🤣
I didn't do it. Lol. But it's pure genius.
But you would 👀🤣
Hahaha yes I would. 🤣🤣🤣
And she’d be a legend for it 😂
It’s such a nice day out, shame to waste it in my office 😩
Pure ice
Damn lol
Right?! Lol
No snow here
Snow here
But it's melting
The wind is so strong, about took my head off lol
Oh it’s warm and sunny here lol I’m happy for the change from the cold but the wind IS getting it
We had a storm come through last night and it’s cooling off today.
I love a good storm
Me too
It’s cold today here but not too cold lol
Me, too, jellybean
You think work will notice if I just sneak out? 👀
Nah! Go for it!
No let’s go together!!!
Who is that?