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DDad Bods💘Thicc Gurl💤

Yk u missed me
>>> Yk u missed me 🫣🫥
Haha we should totally catch up
Got surprises for ya Haha
Just saying
I'm sure you do
Good morning..
Hi 👋 gang 😁
No Hii ✨🤭
What’s going on?
Hi teach
Hiya y'all
Hi 👋 gang 😊
Hi teach
Slow here... Anything going on?
It's been all over the app
Yeah. Weirdly laggy too
Ette's been happening often
Gmorning roomies..
Sas! Good morning 🌄
Evening roomies
Long time SP 👀
Yes I know
Where you been hiding? 🤔
Lol work no where fun
I can think of a lot better hiding places
Uh huh 🤔 been hiding since last month
>>> I can think of a lot better hiding places Oh yeah? You'll just be squeaking
Maybe just a bit....my pants give me away everytime
Your pants 👖 do squeak a lot
Wonder why that is?
You tell me 😄
Lol you gave me the nick name... balls in your court
>>> Lol you gave me the nick name... balls in ... You said "balls." 😂🤣
Take that as you will hahaha