they went to prison real fast
LOL they keep coming back with Alt accounts
(i haven’t ordered the khimar yet)
the dedication to being a troll tho
These trolls have no life! Fr
keep calling us terrørists even though they are the ones who likes to terrorize 💀🤡
we need to find a way to uncensor media
Lmao that Florida story is jokes, they shorting each other, deluded people
Can you just not to be such a rude
If you're talking respectfully no one would ban u
Who are to classify ppl as you wish
You can hate Muslims of course but you should rethink about Islam itself
>>> Your outdated beliefs give me the rights t...
Give me one of these beliefs
From where you have this information
>>> So either Palestinians can evacuate or be ...
So you're a terrorist too
If you think you're right and your enemy should be massacred them what's the difference between u and Stalin or Mao
>>> A man splitting the moon
A prophet*
>>> At least people like me, Benjamin gives Pa...
No you want to massacre them
>>> Prophet is not a man?
Holy man that is supported by God's power
>>> They can join their ummah in Saudi
It would be good if it was their choice.
Not because of war and leaving their homes to strangers
What did the Jews carry when they moved to Palestine in 1947?
What was the passport they had?
and where did they come from?
You’re Indian supporting IDF 😂 if you dies tomorrow they won’t care less
Rethink you life, you imbecile