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TThiccc girls 🍔🌭🍕😇

I’m here
What yall up to
I’m not
Oh now it’s moving
I'm so boring, whats up everyone
I’m just looking for the thicc girls 😹
The thicc girls should report, i really need a thicc girl right now
Nobijodi, wants to talk?
I am talking
Well, good point
We I are talking
Tell me something, for real i have insomnia
Oh it’s night for you?
Well, something like that, it's 5:04 AM
I’m at lunch break from work
Where are You from?
Wow, i'm from México
I'm really bored and with insomnia, so is a complicated night
Probably warmer there 😹
Yeah, here it's really hot
I’m missing the sun
Well, when we are all the year feeling 40° celsius, believe when i Say we really hate the sun
I don’t get to see it much in winter. But I when there’s sun I can’t stay too long under it or I get red really fast
European winter is depressing
Back to work, hope some of the thicc girls will show up while I’m gone 😹
And the thicc girls don't show 😔
don't show what
He meant don’t show up
Yeh, they don't appear
Nice 👌
Hey 👋
Anyone wanna dm me
Great beautiful legs for real 😋
Hi anyone to chat with, I'm Brazilian
Who ever wants to talk dm me
report whom
Show your attributes thicc girls
Hey everyone how goes it
Hello 👋