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GGamers 🎮🕹⌨️

I’m apparently too old for Fortnite.
Pfff no one is too old for Fortnite
heyo chat
GTA fan here
Anyone up for playing cod gta or payday
what rank 👀
Hi gamers
Hey Axl
What’s up everyone’s
Hope everything is doing good today, if anyone’s down to play fh5,arma,war thunder, or farm sim22
Anybody play WoW classic?
Anyone into horror
>>> Anyone into horror Which game you got in mind?
Kinda anything, played mouthwashing the other day just looking for recs?
What do you mean recs??
I am Groot
GTA,payday3, Fortnite or bo6 anyone
Payday 2
Anyone wanna play fort 😮‍💨 I’m not good
What's your age?
I’m on ps5
I’m old haha
I have a ps5 toooo
What games
lol fort or gta i guess
I play fort and bo6 mainly
Let’s jaaammm
Dm me and I’ll send you my psn gamer tag
Hey guys 33FUSA looking to chat with friends ONLY. Dm me to chat