Ay todays the day to do it if you’re gonna cave
who would to drink and chat
Ur trouser maggot probably doesn’t work
Hi everyone 👋 I'm new here 😁
If this is drunk room and I'm drunk is there anyone else drunk who wants to have drunk chat? 😂
imm a kid and I drunk for the frst timeee
Soooo how are You feeling after first time? 😃
Probably better than tomorrow 😅
(if in Your place drinking is allowed in Your age it's ok)
Hi perhaps also drunk person 😃
caffeine & tequila make the world go around🌎
I love an Irish coffee, if you have ever tried
It doesn’t make my world go round though 😅
Maybe I’ll have to try tequila and coffee next, idk if that even makes sense
I’m not drunk guys, PLEASE DON’T DM ME.
lol not tequila and coffee mixed🤢
Yea? I have no idea, never tried.