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CCheat Chat UK

Coming here stops her getting pregnant again, as she hates men after being here a few hours
Yes I’ve been here form almost day 1 think
Katie you wouldn’t delete it lol
We’re not all that bad.. (just ignore that we are in this room at all for the moment) 🙈
The room is just a name lol
Phew 😥.. thought my cover was blown then!
Wouldn't i?
I don't hate men
Some 'men' but not all
Teasing Katie
Sorry you’ve had a bad experience Katie 🫶
Katie is just normal, we’ve all had bad experiences at one time surely
I guess!
Its not bad. It was at the time obviously but its all good
Good to hear that all is good now 😊
Katie hates me lol but I accept it 😜
I didn't think you knew 😬
Well I took a guess lol
You’re like forbidden fruit that hates you lol
You look great but the bite back is too much
New shoes 😉
I need some more saying that I did get 2 new sets over Xmas ah ha
They’re just a stop gap pair until the 1’s I really wanted are in stock in my size 😂
Hi everyone
Ohhh …… I’d wait till Boxing Day sales then 😂
Hey sharky
Best get your credit card out then & get them ordered lol 😂
Well they announced another limited set in a different style so waiting for those to drop see what they are like and they might kill the price on the ones I like
A bit like when you want a new iPhone ….. you wait for a new release & hope they lower the price on the out going 1 lol 😂
Sorta ah ha
In my case I buy the new 1 then realise I should of bought older model 😂
Yeah I know that feeling lol
Heyy 🙈
I invite you to a chatroom 'Le President Lounge✨👨‍✈️': https:chat.antiland.com1K0EzQAHEK
Hey all, Anyone wanna chat
Morning people 👋😊
Good morning all
pm if you like younger guys .. 😺
How goes it?
Morning all