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Staying busy myself, hope everyone is doing well !
Yup, cooler weather has been coming and going here lately
I’m planning a trip down your way pretty soon , I cannot wait to get on a surf board
Where are you going?
I’m gonna head down and put a well in a chunk of land I got in Palatka , I’ll just head east until I hit the ocean and ride whatever is taller than the board if I can
Oh nice
I wasn't a fan of the humidity down there
Niceee Donnie
So has it fall already there, David?
Not yet
There are signs, but then the heat returns
Season is changing quick here it’s almost apples 😆
Hmm apples and oranges?
Or only apples?
Almost apples?
I have Macintosh trees at my place and they’re all over here in the valley I live in which is several hundred square miles of prime orchard land . Everyone here harvests after the first frost of the season . And there is a big celebration for the end of the year when all crops are in cept the last cut of hay !
If it were legal I would send everyone some cider 🤤
Ribs , pig , apple pie , homemade ice cream corn on the cob !
Mmm ribs
The best ! All pasture grown healthy happy animals!
I just discovered Macintosh is apple
How is cider taste? Is it good?
It’s soo good !
I don't remember the taste of cider
David, i guess we need to come to Donnie's place to taste the cedar!
I guess so
It just waived your right to sue
in one hand they don't want to pay, and if they don't have to pay, they won't pay :shrug: in the other hand, yes, it was really happened, and it is indeed this bizarre if you formulate it this way (they probably missed how bizarre is this)
i just googled for follow-ups, internet says disney already backed off from this
I don't remember what happened, happened a few weeks ago
Was it something food related? Cause someone to die
Hey Oni
I do torrent 💪
How are you doing today, oni
a big rain washed the air, and made it more humid
Humidity always suck
At least it ain't as bad in the evening
It's been alright, busy Friday for me