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Aficions & Interessos/

DDresses and Skirts👗

Would you wanna join Sweetie?
Sure but it’s up to you tho
It’s not working
The room name is Female Fashions
You might have to update the app
It’s already been updated
It’s not working
This app is terrible sometimes
Still not working
Dang it and it doesn't have a go code
Hmmm that’s a shame
Well if others join and start chatting there maybe it'll appear if you search
If so
Yah it’s not popping up at all
This is crazy
I've had this problem before
Yah I can see that now
One person joined. Are you on io or android
I'm on android maybe that's the problem
I know my app updated two weeks ago I think
I'm really sorry it's not working for you Sweetie, your a great friend hun
It’s fine
Hi I saw you had some trouble with the room link
Maybe I can help
Try this one
I hope that works for people
Your Welkom
I think it will
Let me know 😁
Im off see you around anti 😂😂
Thanks so much
Thank you person
Hey how are you?
I'm ok I guess
Omg that dress is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤤
back side hehe