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I’m going for dinner tonight
Then I’ll be home and sleeping
No lol
I’ve just booked a long weekend break for the summer as well
So I’m in a great mood 😃
No, I’m going for a Thai 🇹🇭
Sophie gonna get tanned
Doubt it, it’s a long weekend break at a haven. lol. Hopefully weather will be nice though
Iv not been to a haven
Very nice and good for my son. Plus I love caravans ☺️
And my other half has never been to a caravan park, so that’ll be an interesting experience for him😂
Not only that, it was so CHEAP for a haven! They’re normally extortionate
Has he not been to a butlins?
Nope. I’ve never been to butlins tbh🤣
I been to minehead and also to phwelli
Never been to butlins. I don’t really look at butlins when I book caravan places.
I need a break somewhere
Might have a break again in Blackpool
Might go Cornwall altho it would take like 6 hrs to get there
Yeah I don’t drive as far as that cba
Where I booked is 2hr away from me. I can manage that.
I probably go Rhyl
Morning 🌅☕️
Afternoon 😌
Evening 🍷
Morning ☕️
Qt so-pheeee
Hey jay 🥰
How’s you 👀
Good thanks, you?
I’m off work sick. Burnt my foot with goose fat when the tray slid off the oven rack last Sunday.
Plus my dad has had to go into a nursing home 😔
Aw no, I’m so sorry to hear that jay. X
When the assessment is finished, half the money will rapidly go up in smoke to pay for it if we don’t get much funding
The other option was 2 carers four times a day at home. With a hoist, bed, and chair which won’t fit through the doorways
Is there not room for a hospital bed downstairs?
One room wasn’t suitable, as a door would be blocked in any orientation. The other room. It could work, but he’d be confined to the room as the specialised chair is too wide. My mum wasn’t keen on that option as it leaves the other room cramped.
Plus my mum’s 74, when the carers aren’t there she wouldn’t be able to do things like adjust him in the bed etc. We let him decide tho, if he insisted on coming home we’d of had to make it work.
I think the best thing I can say is, nursing homes get bad rep in the media, you only hear the negative though, I don't know what conditions your dad has, but there's some amazing carers out there
It’s not the best home 😂 But some of the carers seem good there. He’s happy to stay there after the assessment period. But I think part of it is that it’s easy for us to get to. Motor neurone disease, so he’ll get worse with time.
I hope he'll be happy in his new home