lol I’ve seen lots of videos but haven’t played myself
>>> The walking dead
Telltale's walking dead?
Oh ok yea sounds like it, you'll probably like most of their games I think.
Looks like anti gonna be going downhill faster now
All that's gonna be left are Android users. And there gonna start declining due to lack of people
All things die eventually. And a majority of the people came here during COVID.
😂😂 my app still works for now
I deleted mine like a dweeb
I'm pretty sure you can find an APK of this and it will still work on your phone as an app
I’m not smart enough to know what that stands for
Android package kit it's like you download it and it will run but don't I just realized anti does get updated you could probably get in trouble doing that
𝚔𝚊iyri >> 🎁🌹 >> Frankie Butts 🍑🚪 (+₭500)<
Oh man. No need to be sorry. I’m just like a pseudo nerd
Also, I wouldn’t have even tried cause I know I’d do something stupid to get myself in trouble lol
Ios cant do apks like that i dont belive
I’m on IOS and still standing strong
Hello there. You may wanna change your name so people don't think you're a bot 😁
I still think they’re a bot
I'm doing good will you gamers be able to recommend me a game off my hours ?
1037.05 hours on call of duty is crazy lol
It's not cold it's escape from tarkov
Only 7am but i havent slept lmao