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Because that's when the real suffering begins
For biggest black daddies 💋
Who cares what happens
I care 🥰
But why s word?
I need to
Its not fixable?
I'm trying to figure that out to
She won't elaborate
Like give up everything for nothing is how i feel
Even if its bad
I’m so horrible at it that you’d wish I hadn’t
Horrible at what??😆
Long story short
Yall slow I get what she's talking about but that kinda talk shouldn't be here
No we understand
Just confused as to why
This kinda conversation is best for pms not gc
I’ll leave.
I’m clearly the issue
Take care
You make it like that but dont think like that
Ily turtle...get well soon ❤️
You don't have to leave, just that talk is not really suited for group chat
Good afternoon folks
Good morning
Good morning
Gday ppl
Hi everyone 👋
🇦🇺⛓️ M§†r§éåMµ§🪢🪃 😌👋
Omg an Aussie?
My fam 🫂
It’s crocodile Dundee but shh 🤫
Yes an Aussie
It's true that you don't have the style of a Danish boy ahah 😌😅
Style? What’s that? lol
you don't look like a european guy 😎👌
Strong man 👌
I’m Aussie. 💯
Hey freaks
Hi people
Hey fella freaks