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Marvels rivals is where it's at now ghost
Marvels is peak entertainment
Rivals is overhyped yall jus like the sexualized skins
Yes I do thank you
I actually can't play the game the player base is ridiculous
>>> Rivals is overhyped yall jus like the sexu... Literally overwatch is alive because of r34
Lmao no
Morning animals ☕️
Hi my bbs
How are yall
Living the dream
Howdy what's poppin
Hi gamers
Hey gamers
Looking for a gamer gf
Morning animals ☕️☕️
Yeah, I want a game of girlfriend too
Hard to find
Hey all!
Hey everyone 💕 I've been obsessed with the sims 4 lately. What about yall?
What do you all prefer, getting a Victory royal in solos or playing with your friends, having a ton of fun but lose the match?
Solos is boring af
Only reason I play is to game with my friends
I think 1 solo's victory is nice tho. But after that it gets boring indeed
Guys wtf happened y the app gone 😭
idk but we here
It looks so ugly I’m crying
it is mid
looks more modern but also looks like someone coded it in a garage
I still have mine I logged back in now I can message
Took me embarrassingly too many times before i got in
This app look like an android exclusive from 2015
Is it off the app store again
it was just unusable for a bit for iOS users
if you still have the app you can use it now, still not downloadable tho i think
>>> Guys wtf happened y the app gone 😭 Cause ur bad at golf
Mine didn’t delete