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👑Bbw Freaks👑

Hello everyone
Good evening/night everyone
Hey Jen!! How are you??
Hello everyone
Hey OG
𝙺𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 Hello
How’s everybody doing??
I am good and you
I’m alright…can’t complain.
That's good
Did you get that sleep last night?
I did!
There you go and you must love that
Oh nooo hope it’s not bad
It’s not the worst I’ve burnt myself
You gotta be careful
My first semester the sleeve of my jacket caught on fire, had a fist sized burn on my forearm
It was much needed
Jeez you gotta be more careful
I am in welding school, you get burned every now and then
Sounds painful lol
It was tbh
Starting to get a headache and that sucks
Sorry to hear that
Ehhhhh I’ll live
Well that’s good
I’m off to bed
Maybe my headache will go away with sleep.
Hope you have a good night Logsa
You too 🇰🇷 𝙺𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚗 🇵🇷gn
Lurk away OG 🤣 night night
No need to apologize anymore Logsa. In my opinion.
Same here. I got one eye open and one closed 😂
Good morning everyone
Anyone alive in here?
I'm alive what's up? 👋
Nice nice!
Goodmorning at all BBw lovers🤗❤️