They do, I’ve had people block me. Lol just vanished. And when I block. It’s gone too
Who isn’t using the app lol
What do you mean check a photo, like reverse search? You can SS on pc or something
I tried to image search but you can’t SS lol would prob be easier on pc.
What you gonna do if I do message and not interested? Lmfao
My windows pc you can press shift window and S and highlight the image and save to pc
They don’t know if it’s really a confession lol
Couldn’t even reply fast enough lol
Oo I’ve seen a show where Nigerians make a job of scamming. There’s like 4 people working on it together.
Sounds like he’s a scammer with a new voice lol
Jeez. Literally don’t put any face in pics. Worst scam of all.