Europe is responsible for 2 world wars
England and Greenland can become the 51st and 52nd states the new Puerto Rico islands
Y’all will learn our language and culture
And become one nation under God like our fathers wanted
I know about London and your soccer national team
We ain’t as ignorant as y’all claim
This is soccer ⚽️ this is football 🏈
The British soccer national team
Dude football is the most popular sport on earth Super Bowl is literally the biggest yearly event in the world
NFL is real men sport y’all just too soft to play it
Y’all rather play soft weak women sports like soccer
Imagine running for 2 hours so the game ends 0-0
The only soccer players I know are pulisic and Ronaldo
Helmet is meant to protect players from injuries so we can enjoy watching the games
That’s because our players are the best in the world
Have you asked yourself why the US has by far the most Olympic medals in the world
Because our athletes are the best in the world
The US had more gold medals than England France Italy Germany all combined
There’s no competition between the US and Europe y’all just not on that level
Our athletes always dominate the Olympics for a reason
Greenland and England will be the 51st and 52nd states