Where are those from Psy?
I guess there'scrazy drivers in every country but they are extremely aggressive over here
Yeah people carry guns cause they have permits to carry one.
Roronoastoner what's the cat's hoodie say?
Foxy looks a lil like Monica Potter
I think that's who I'm thinking of
Can't screenshot the photo individually but you can screenshot the room
This app officially sucks ass
I wouldn't have anything to do if i sid
Nothing is enjoyable to me so no hobbies
I play video games occasionally but those aren't fun anymore
If i had said that I'd probably get yelled at
Gee, I wonder why her name is melons...I haven't the foggiest
People shouldn't sleep all naturale. If you die your loved ones will find you nude and the EMT's will cart you out of your dwelling with no clothes on. But ofc you'll be dead snf won't care