I know you love a good softie
Well seeing the softie will make you single 😂
Deal I’ll get that going in the morning
I’ll do it in the middle of the terminal
She’s getting the softie now 😂
I mean who doesn’t love a good curtain
Thick is so scarred of the softie she won’t even look at it 😂
That’s what I do, just ask bee, she was innocent until she signed up for daily softie subscription
We mad a deal, that I’ll pay if she throws in some elbows
Trey you should know how we roll in here
The 3 B’s, bows butts and boobs
My boobs where my best part
Don’t make me send you my b hole thick 😂
Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do
Wait I sent you b hole and you didn’t give me an honest review
The 2 hit the spot 🤷🏻♂️😂
We’ll take a look at thesoftie before you do what you do 😂
I just want to say fuc you 🤷🏻♂️😂
Only thing I can help with is elbows and softies
Where’s the midget strippers