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Dont push on the hill
What Hali said. Pretty please. Hope you are well Hali.
She told me to be kind… that’s all. 😅
Pretty please. 🙏. Downhill I can get really moving and take out some old folks. Not a pretty site.
Those old folks you just don’t know… they are daredevils! 😆
They bring their canes and tackle you! 😂
Canes in my wheel spokes. I will get my helmet to be safe. Rubbing is racing. Shake and bake.
Ooohhh geeezzz! Haven’t seen you so competitively combative 😂😂😂
I read the newsletter. First place is a sponge 🛀. Weeeee. You ladies are a riot.
Only when you’re around 😆😆