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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

>>> I lurk from the time zone ahead 🦈 You better not be French as well

>>> I lurk from the time zone ahead 🦈 You better not be French as well
you're absolutely racist
I’m living in the country that made Frances national flag the white flag 🌚
Don’t hate, it’s simply history; I didn’t write it
but I hate you
Not the other day 😎 but if you want to you’re welcome to have me live rent free in ur head about it
wtf are you saying💀
Backed u up on something, can’t even remember oɐɯ˥, were all nice then; I was eepy cow not eepy bat then tho
In the room we did but yes not privately
In the room we did but yes not privately
what room
This room? 💀 but that’s regardless atm
what did we say?
I ain’t got that kinda memory sorry oɐɯ˥, just someone talking smack and we called them out lol
what do you mean