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غرف دردشة مجهولة، لعبة تمثيل أدوار للمواعدة مع غرباء عشوائيين عبر الإنترنت
افتح تطبيق الكاميرا على هاتفك وامسح رمز الاستجابة السريعة أعلاه
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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

They tried to cut my shyt but i broke the blade

They tried to cut my shyt but i broke the blade
tried to take your fiveskin 😭😭
Don’t care
mf was i talking to you
Didn’t ask
what in the middle school comebacks are this
But did we ask
no but i can say what i want bbg
alr cool
alr cool
js block him he broke & miserable
Only unemployed ppl have time to block
She been begging for a job getting rejected for weeks is the funny part
yeah cause nowhere is hiring, if you had a job you’d know the process
But did we ask
did i ask what you said?
Nobody cares