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Tell me your darkest secrets

Tell me your darkest secrets
I am Batman
I thought that said; “I am black” 😂😂
I mean that too 😂
It would’ve been better and more funny to say that since technically you are more dark than Batman 😂
I know it is; but he’s the one that wanted to say it 😂
I know it is; but he’s the one that wanted to say it 😂
He probably can talk about himself but you saying it is racism
You realize, it’s still racist if he says it?
But he didn’t and you did?
Im cool with all people. Until you mess with my mates.
It’s cool chill I don’t take much serious
That’s nice of you but he’s out of line
How am I out of line with joking with a homie 💀
Say it in his dms then
I’m even saying it’s cool….
Maybe im not cool 🤷‍♀️