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أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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Woah woah woah! Yes, it is! I’m quite surprised you remember me!

Woah woah woah! Yes, it is! I’m quite surprised you remember me!
no one else on anti talks about Plato. 😭😭😭💗
…and what a shame that is! We’ll have to continue our Platonic perusal, pronto 🫡
when im sober. 🫡
Understandable 😆 Tipsy philosophy can be fun! But I’m guessing thinking too hard and differentiating theorems and postulations while under the influence would be… not the most pleasurable experience.
i think we’ll scare the room away. 😔😔😔😔 rn im very into antifascist praxis though, in case there’s anything you’d like to share with me… 👼🏽💗✨✨
I THINK I’M IN LOVE - have you read any Emily Hoffman lately??
i have not. 👀👀👀👀 should i????
Well, if you would like to! She wrote a pretty compelling blog on how typical methods of challenging the fascist rhetoricideologies of the alt-right, (pointing out logical inconsistencies, misrepresentations of real-world issues, etc.) often don’t hold the weight that we think they ought to. She calls into question whether these methods effectively address the affective power and widespread circulation of alt-right narratives.
oooou !! i do love that. atp i feel the opposition is entirely uninterested in logic, though. :0 i forget, are you US. based?
I am, unfortunately. Or fortunately? It depends on the framework with which you regard the issue. As a resident, I am more likely to have power to affect change. However, I’m very unenthused by the current state of my home country.
y’all are cooked, idk. i don’t wanna devolve into politics here but… 🙂 protests are being made illegal, essentially. i wish y’all godspeed and a lot of courage. as quickly as possible. 🥰
Which protests
anti-authoritarian protests in the US. ☺️
Indeed. We are, as you say… cooked. Probably. However, illegality will not stop me from practicing civil disobedience.
as it shouldnt, given you are a part of the most protected class. 😌💗 mask up.
I am indeed incredibly privileged. That makes it all the more important that I stand up as an active participant and active listener.
couldn’t agree more. 😇 im rooting for y’all. 🥲 pls buy canadian. 💗💗💗
I will whenever possible!
And I enthusiastically concur - logic seems to be the lowest rung on their ladder of argumentative importance.
appeal to ethos stp. 🧏🏽‍♀️