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Someone complained about them 🤷🏼‍♀️ my heart breaks for the whole situation

Someone complained about them 🤷🏼‍♀️ my heart breaks for the whole situation
Holding the dude and his gf for hours while they ransacked their house
It was wild
This really sucks... even though squirrels are just rats with cute fluffy tails, I still care for them and dislike this story quite a bit.
Hey hey hey I’m still here
Hey hey hey I’m still here, I’m considering a class action lawsuit -_-
What grade are you in?
I’m not in a grade anymore
you mentioned class action!
Oh , a class action lawsuit is one where a law firm defends thousands of people, in this case, the squirrel population
How big is this school where the class is?
In the ocean
No grades in school of hard knocks