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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

Men are so so sooooo attracted to natural beauty. Even if you don’t think you’re pretty, men cherish that natural look…. We are not attracted to fake Hollywood plastic! FYI 😉😉

Men are so so sooooo attracted to natural beauty. Even if you don’t think you’re pretty, men cherish that natural look…. We are not attracted to fake Hollywood plastic! FYI 😉😉
Awww Chaddeh Thank you for that
I swear
I will go out today, No brushing my hair No teeth brushing No washing my face Natural and fresh from the bed
The teeth brushing
Come on Krak….
*throws out my mascara and bras*
It’s true… I love looking a woman in the eyes
Fresh out of bed ,
I just wear nipol tapes these days 😆