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some great childish patter from the grown man btw

some great childish patter from the grown man btw
i can’t judge, gods certainly watching ye in the dms however
i can’t judge, gods certainly watching ye in the dms however
it’s a groupchat not a direct message lmao
it’s a groupchat not a direct message lmao
why? you ran out of half assed retorts
why? you ran out of half assed retorts
truly means a lot coming from a saint such as yourself
truly means a lot coming from a saint such as yourself
some extreme mental gymnastics going on, don’t give yourself a headache thinking so hard
some extreme mental gymnastics going on, don’t give yourself a headache thinking so hard
you’re fighting some different battle in your head ahah “defend myself”
you’re fighting some different battle in your head ahah “defend myself”
bro just bored lowkey
“lowkey” a true intellect over here