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I think he’s one of the least attractive people on the app 😂😂😂😂

I think he’s one of the least attractive people on the app 😂😂😂😂
he’s attractive alright 😏
No, he’s actually really ugly but you’re entitled to your opinion because you’re ugly too. You’re a good match.
May your soul be blessed
GASPSSS i thought we were friends
Aus has a bad face dude but so do you so you’re a good match?
you havent seen my face baby so your opinion is invalid 😟
Sweetie, the people that you send your face to aren’t ones to be trusted I have seen everybody on this app, including you
yeah so who have i sent my face to 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m not gonna tell you guys the secret scandalous people out there
describe my face then sweetheart
Sky, I promise OK, I promise with all my heart
If you’re jealous just get his attention bro