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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

Some people's happiest moments were when they were broke or not at their most affluent

Some people's happiest moments were when they were broke or not at their most affluent
How many homeless people are truly happy?
That fact that some of them are happy means they're onto something
But how many? Most take drugsdrink to blot life out
The facts and figures are irrelevant 99% of the could be doing that and there could be one nomad chilling on a beach with his dog at peace with himself
Not a fan of facts huh?
So as long as a few are happy screw the vast majority?
So as long as a few are happy screw the vast majority?
Not like that, but if there's a 1% chance of something being possible then I choose to see the positive , but that's just me
That’s lovely, but not representative of the real world
Luckily me being human and alive in ths time means I have the capability to change the world and if not a lot, then by just a little bit
Part of the reason I do my job, obviously the other part is for money so I can live and eat
And that is an honourable life that I respect