احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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whats the easiest way no pain to self exit?

whats the easiest way no pain to self exit?
pew pew
where to acquire pewpew
my dms
Jump off something really high headfirst
when u jimp off smth high headfirst ur most likely gnna spin around
that hurts there’s still possibility im gonna survive
Not if it’s high enough
trust ive seen a video a guy jump off a rlly tall building
bruh do you know how weak the skull is, you will not survive 😭😭
i could hit you with my car going 150
what’s ur car?
camaro <3
soon to be red if we do it properly