احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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  2. اضغط على "إضافة إلى الشاشة الرئيسية"
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Trans is dumb asf they should be on Testosterone if they a man and estrogen if they a female

Trans is dumb asf they should be on Testosterone if they a man and estrogen if they a female
both men and women produce both testosterone and estrogen
Men produce way more it’s why men dominate sports and are stronger
says who
Certain men yes
Just curious, how do you explain a biological male with a brain that resembles a female brain more closely than it does a male brain?
A retard.
we got a self revelation here
Mental health issue
not in all cases