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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

this app is the ultimate breeding ground for pick me’s and weirdos good god

this app is the ultimate breeding ground for pick me’s and weirdos good god
Yet you’re on here lol
it’s the first time i’ve been on this app in like 2 years 😭 hasn’t changed a bit though
don't explain urself to no man babes
Oh that isn’t how that works lol
Hahaha you’re a real good conversationalist
and you're a good background character
The tougher you try to act the less serious I take you lol
i'm just a girl
Yikes alright you flipped your point and proved yourself a “background character” 😂
reaching for the damn stars
Idek what you’re tryna say with that but sure lol