Im not atheist, im agnostic, and hell is all the suffering that we experience in this physical world
OK, that makes no sense at all but you know what I’ll just grant that to you man
Have u been to hell ?
well, I would assume that hell has nothing good in it and the physical world that we live in now has a lot of good things. Sure there’s a lot of bad things that happen, but you can also count in the amount of good things that happened such as the beauty of the rainbow, etc., in my opinion hell would be the absence of all things good and all things good come from God therefore, the absence of God would be the absence of all things good
Watch the evil god hypothesis by Alex O’connor, it will flip that view upside done
oh, I have. I’m going to be honest. I don’t really think Alex O’Connor is as good as people actually make him out to be. I’ve seen a lot of debunks to that video and I’d like to know what your thoughts are on it but and I’ll give my thoughts on it after , but it’s not convincing at all
I think it’s plausible, what’s not convincing abt it
for one If God were purely evil, why would love, kindness, and joy exist at all? An "evil God" wouldn’t allow any good in the world, yet we see beauty, compassion, and morality.
Evil is a corruption of good, not a self-sustaining reality. A purely evil god would contradict the idea of creation itself, because creation requires order and goodness, not destruction.
Even in suffering, people find meaning, growth, and redemption. A purely evil God wouldn’t allow that suffering would have no pur...
i can’t deal with the religious chat 😭😭😭😭😭
Tf,still on religious debates
To your first point was addressed in the video, watch again
Yes evil is a corruption of good, but if god is good you still have to explain how and why he would create a world like the world we live, without simply saying because the Bible says so
To your last point, watch Alex O’Connor against 25 christians debate, he explains how God doesn’t need to allow evil in order to allow good to happened
don’t care alex o connor mogs
U would have to explain how anything of order exist
You know what I’ll definitely rewatch the video when I get the time just to get a refresher, but the point is that the hypothesis itself doesn’t work I’m asked for the second thing you said I’ll try and respond to that and for your last point I’ll also respond to that
In Genesis 1:31, God declares His creation “very good.” He designed a world without sin, suffering, or corruption and gave humanity dominion over it (Genesis 1:2😎. However, when mankind sinned (Genesis 3), that introduced death, suffering, and corruption into the world. Evil wasn’t created by God—it was the result of man’s rebellion. God didn’t design a broken world; He entrusted it to us, and we are responsible for its fallen state.
God doesn’t allow evil just for the sake of allowing it. He permits it because He can redeem it. In Romans 8:28, Paul writes, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” That means even evil and suffering can be transformed into something meaningful.
A loving God doesn’t just prevent suffering—He uses it to save as many people as possible from eternal separation from Him.
That’s why Christ Jesus suffered for us
Even in suffering, people find meaning, growth, and redemption. A purely evil God wouldn’t allow that suffering would have no purpose at all.
If God directly causes every evil act, then humans wouldn't be responsible for their choices. But we clearly see that people make moral decisions, meaning evil isn’t purely from God.
And who created those humans …
God, I am not sure what you’re trying to say here though.
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