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I really crave someone to be with me taking shots off me 😏

I really crave someone to be with me taking shots off me 😏
Oooo sweetheart say no more!!
Lay back and let the whiskey pour 😉
Mmmmm it's cold hehe
Guess I’ll just have to lick it off get you warm again lol
Mmmmm yessss do that 🥵🥵
*starts licking up the whiskey*
Your tongue feels amazing 🥵
*flicking my tongue😉, slurping up the whiskey
Oooooooooohhhh yessssss 🥵🥵🥵
I was gonna say somewhere else your tongue should go but remembered this is a group chat 🤭
Well that could be arranged 😉 we’ll just have to keep it PG 😏😈
Hahaha idk if the group wants to see this convo even if PG 😏