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المواعدة العابرة/

CCaution: Hot To Handle

Cas 🥰😘
Cas 😍😍 wow as always 🔥
Good afternoon 😘
Great afternoon 😄
Doing anything fun?
Nah it’s 10:30pm here on a Sunday 😩
Getting my last few weekend mins in 😂
Hbu Cas ?
Not much here
4:30 pm here
Make the most of your Sunday 🙌🏼
When it’s over it’s Monday 😂😩😩
I’m lucky I have this week off work
You’re also on vacay 🤭
How is your vacay going?
I’m going back home on Tuesday
Was it good weather?
Every day 30°C ☀️
Sounds perfect
Yes that’s why my tan is 👌
I’m jelly
Do you want tan or tan lines 😂🤣
Both 😜
I’m going to sleep now
Good night Cas 🥰😘
Goodnight 😘
Hello and good morning
👋🏻 hey
/ bonus
So beautiful 🥰
Good morning
Whoa 😮
Hate when they’re all occupied
Lmaoo jk sounded sounded funny tho
Hi all
Alice 🥰😘😳
Hello nv