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Homebody my ass
I only been home an hour wym 🤨
I saw Deon last year in boulder when I went there
He has a cult there
Who is available tonight to play 💦?
No one
I automatically hear Jack Nicholson singing when I hear that song
M43 for chat
❄️ Snow Day ❄️
Humidity all year round. Barely a winter. And if winter does come it’s usually only for a couple hours in the morning and after the sun goes down.
Ok have u tried moving if u don't like the humidity?
M43 for chat
Hey all
Good morning I’m 38 from Colombia living here now
Hi 👋 good morning
Not on here at least
She’s been asking that for several years now
Good morning 🌞
👀 👈🏼
Hello 👋 y’all here.
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