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🌴South Carolina Chat 🌴

Hey everyone. It's been a while
Hey Iron
Good morning
Hey y’all!
Hey how are you
Great thanks!
How’s it going Aqua?
Hey there Don
Hey Alou
Hey Delphyne
Hey Dom
It's been a while
It has
How ya been?
Good and you?
How’s everyone tonight? 😉
Ok and you
What’s going on?
I’m just heading home
Long ass day. Lol.
When did it start?
8 this morning
I need a hot tub and a massage. Lol.
What was your day like
>>> I need a hot tub and a massage. Lol. Same
We all need a big hot tub. Lol.
Lol facts
Have to Google one. Lol.
Great! And I was home by 7:45…😉😬
Happy Saturday y’all!
You as well!
Ant latina here ?!
A lot of latinas in SC but none on this app lmao
Anyone up for fun
Anyone in Anderson?
I’m in west Columbia